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Salt Therapy

Salt is an essential ingredient used for different purposes by humans. Besides using it as a cooking ingredient and preservative, salt saves lives. That's why The Energy Space Salt Therapy provides medicinal and health values to you. Halotherapy or Dry Salt Therapy has been around for over centuries now. From ancient to recent salt mines and caves of Europe and Russia, Salt therapy existed. Halotherapy is a Dry Salt Therapy that uses a halogenerator to finely grind pure grade sodium chloride (salt) into micro fine particles that are then diffused into a salt room by way of a dry salt aerosol. Dry salt aerosol is natural and safe, and aids respiratory issues, helps skin condition concerns, sleeping issues, stress, anxiety and fatigue.

How Dry Salt Therapy Works

Dry salt is super absorbent, so once it is breathed into your respiratory tract it acts like a sponge cleaning up and removing foreign substances that contribute to respiratory conditions.

When dry salt particles are inhaled, they can help to reduce inflammation that restricts airways. A clean respiratory tract can also boost your oxygen intake and help improve your immune system and give you more blood flow and energy.

Dry salt particles have antibacterial properties, they help to dissolve forein particles such as pollutants and bacteria in the respiratory tract. Your body naturally coughs up or expels any foreign matter.

Benefits of Using The Energy Space Salt Room

Our therapists have undergone several years of professional training with a clear understanding of the Salt Therapy Association standards. So, with hands-on experience, you get the best alternative treatment for overall wellness at The Energy Space Salt Room.

In addition, our Dry Salt Therapy Special treatments offer you impressive health benefits for:

Dry salt therapy helps promote general body wellness for adults and children. Dry salt therapy has no harmful side effects since it comes from essential natural materials. Halotherapy improves the lung’s function by removing toxicity present in your respiratory system. It will also help boost your immune system and skin appearance.

You should visit a salt therapist at The Energy Space once or twice a week for better results. In addition, Holatherapy can help you relieve stress and enjoy better sleep at night.

The human skin is not only complex but sensitive because of its many functions. It is the largest organ in your body and regulates your body functions. For example, it protects the body from bacteria and excretes wastes in the form of sweat.

In addition, your skin has perception function, regulates body temperature, and reduces dehydration.

Dry salt therapy serves as an absorbent. Depositing on the skin, dry salt therapy aids in increased activity in the skin ions which stimulates cell regeneration and growth. Its antibacterial properties clean up impurities, balance the pH as well as reduce bacteria and inflammation. So, dry salt therapy can help these skin conditions:

· Eczema · Acne · Psoriasis · Itching · Swelling and inflammation · Dry and flaky skin · Dermatitis · Rosacea · Rashes · Skin aging

Dry salt therapy is a natural and holistic treatment that helps to rejuvenate the skin cells inside out by acting on the external and internal skin surfaces. The Energy Space therapists can initiate dry salt therapy to help maintain or restore your skin’s youthfulness. After treatments, clients have had reduced itching, redness, and a reduction of scaling of the skin.

Is a condition where your airways narrow from swelling and mucus. Asthma makes breathing difficult, and contributes to coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing. There is no cure for asthma, but its symptoms can be controlled. Dry salt therapy sessions have shown to dramatically reduce the swelling in asthma clients, giving them better lung function and fewer attacks. Dry salt therapy eliminates free radicals, allergens, and other toxins from your respiratory tract. Dry salt therapy helps open your airway passages, it acts like a sponge or toothbrush to clean out your respiratory system. So, it regulates air pollutants and foreign substances from the bloodstream.

The Salt Therapy Association says that the average adult takes approximately 12-15 breaths per minute. Also, on average, children take 20 -30 breaths every minute.

Scientific research indicates that inhaling dry salt particles reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract. And that’s excellent news for people experiencing:

· Asthma · Allergies · Cystic fibrosis · Bronchitis, · COPD · Ear infections · Smoker’s cough · Sinusitis

Allergies are your body’s immune system reacting to foreign substances, like pollen, air pollution, and pet dander. When you come in contact with an allergen your body reacts with inflammation to either your airways, your skin or digestive system in the case of food allergies. Dry salt therapy can help reduce allergies naturally when the tiny salt particles are inhaled. Reduced inflammation leads to better airflow and drainage of the mucosa lining in the sinuses and opens up the respiratory tract for easier breathing.

Snoring is brought on in your sleep by your breathing being somewhat obstructed. Halotherapy can help alleviate snoring and sleep apnea with multiple salt therapy treatments. Clients feel relief and freer breathing due to the antiemetic and anti-inflammatory properties in the salt particles.

A healthy and balanced body has the ability to deal with our everyday stressors and recharge and heal us physically and mentally through our sleep. Sometimes this healthy balance can not be brought back due to environmental or internal disruption and it creates a stressful situation where fatigue sets in and is constant. Salt rooms are individual, creating a quiet, peaceful atmosphere that is stress free, allowing the body to come back into balance with every breath. The tiny salt particles penetrate into the muscle tissue, relaxing it and melting away stress. The antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties help reduce the toxic load in the body helping the immune system bring things back into balance again.

Dry Salt therapy can provide the needed relief.
We at The Energy Space are glad to help improve your immune and respiratory system using Dry Salt therapy.